Carbine Platform Proficiency (CPP1) * Mil/Mem / LE Only
Carbine Platform Proficiency (CPP1) * Mil/Mem / LE Only
This Class is restricted to Current registered members of BMDT to become a member email
BMDT’S Proprietary Platform Proficiency course helps to develop a solid foundation of carbine shooting skills for any level of shooter. Even experienced carbine shooters will find this course the ideal course to as a first step into professional training as it will establish those skills required for more advanced training using a carbine weapon system. BMDT’S tacticians provide each student with training to employ the carbine safely, effectively and efficiently. The live-fire exercises will challenge the students with a variety of shooting situations that reinforce the learned skills by applying them in different ways and in different situations.
Contact - With required documents for pricing
Characteristics and Maintenance of the Carbine
Fundamentals of Carbine Shooting
Gear Selection and Placement
Loading, Ready, Press Check, Unloading
Shooting from Prone Position
Barrel - Sight Relationship
Shooting from Low Ready Positions
Low Port/Entry Ready Presentations
Emergency Reloads
Transition to and from Handgun (optional)
Shooting from High Port, High Ready
Recoil Control and Target Acquisition
Shooting Multiple Targets
Tactical Sequence and Priority
Emergency Reloads
Carbine Sling
Minimum three carbine magazines
Carbine magazine holders
Handgun (optional)
Holster and handgun magazine holder (if bringing a handgun)
Clear wraparound ballistic eye protection