Citizen Carry Proficiency 1 (CCP1)


Citizen Carry Proficiency 1 (CCP1)


BMDT’s Carry Proficiency course’s will develop a solid foundation for any level of shooter. Even experienced carriers will find this course ideal as a first step into professional daily development.

Our Instructors provide each student with a skill tree to employ their platform safely effectively and efficiently.

On-range exercises will challenge the students with a variety of shooting situations to reinforce the learned skills by applying them in continually changing scenarios


Characteristics and Maintenance of the platform

Fundamentals of Shooting

Gear Selection and Placement

Marksmanship and Grouping Practice

High Ready Presentations

Emergency Reloads

Entry Ready Positions

Drawing from the Holster

Recoil Management and Rapid target acquisition

Responding to Malfunctions




No cross-draw or appendix-carry holsters

Minimum magazines 2

Magazine holders


Clear wraparound ballistic eye protection

Ear protection

Firearm cleaning kit

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