Averting the defense train wreck in the new millennium by Daniel Gouré & Jeffrey M Ranney
This is an important contribution to the debate about proper size and nature of Our Armed Forces.The office layout Clearly the dilemma of the need to fund both current military readiness and future replacement of aging weapon systems in a period of diverse Present and future threats And rapidly changing technology- A revolution in Geostrategic as well as military affairs.
Readers may differ On the correct mix of solutions,But its elements are what The authors advocate: A commitment to a defense budget near is present fraction of GDP; reduction of infrastructure to official levels; And a modernize force structure sustainable withThose constraints.
This book summarizes with great clarity the frightening fact that require us to spend far more on Defense Than previous administrations.The authors point out the administration's plans for the next five years will leave us with a shortfall about 100 billion each year. For anyone Interested And preserving our national security it will be essential that these facts representing the current and future state of our military be fully understood.
Daniel Gouré was once the Deputy director of the CSIS International Security Program
Jeffrey M Ranney was the Director for Strategic planning and financial analysis at MSTI